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Insights from Oncology Product Launches

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Insights from Oncology Product Launches

As an expert in customer experience and consulting for pharmaceutical companies, my research into the best practices for oncology product launches has led to identifying strategies crucial for success. Here, I dive into the strategies behind successful launches like Keytruda and explore how these approaches can be adapted across the industry. This comprehensive guide outlines key actions, the role of AI in enhancing these strategies, and practical lessons from real-world examples.

1. Example: Keytruda’s Market Strategy (Publicly available information)


As you can research online (publicly available information), the team around Keytruda employed a phased launch strategy, beginning with specific indications before expanding based on supporting clinical data. This flexible, evidence-driven approach allowed it to gradually capture and dominate new market segments.


Employ a phased approach to launching, starting in niche markets and expanding as evidence supports broader applications.

  • A phased launch strategy involves introducing a new drug into the market step by step, beginning with niche markets that present the most urgent need or the greatest opportunity to demonstrate the drug's value. This approach allows for careful monitoring of the drug's performance, patient outcomes, and market reception before wider release.
  • For example, a pharmaceutical company might initially target a drug to a specific subtype of cancer that is particularly challenging to treat and where the patient population is small but has a high unmet medical need. This initial focus helps to build a strong foundation of clinical evidence and can demonstrate the drug's efficacy and safety in a controlled environment. After establishing success in this targeted group, the company can then expand the drug's indications to broader patient populations.
  • A real-world example of this approach can be seen in the launch of drugs like Tagrisso (osimertinib). Initially approved for second-line treatment in patients with specific genetic mutations, its use was later expanded as more data became available, supporting its efficacy and safety in additional settings. This strategic expansion allowed the drug to gradually build its market presence and credibility, eventually becoming a first-line treatment for its target condition.
  • By starting with a smaller, targeted market, companies can manage risks better, tailor their marketing strategies more effectively, and gather valuable insights that support broader applications of the drug. This methodical expansion is crucial in complex therapeutic areas like oncology, where drugs can significantly impact patient survival and quality of life.

AI Application

Use AI to analyze clinical trial data and predict potential new indications or patient groups that could benefit from the drug.

To effectively use AI for analyzing clinical trial data and predicting new indications or patient groups that might benefit from a drug, several AI applications can be implemented:

  1. Predictive Modeling: AI can analyze vast amounts of clinical trial data to predict the efficacy of drugs across different patient subgroups. This involves using machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and correlations that might not be apparent through traditional data analysis methods. For example, AI models can evaluate the biological proximity of various indications from existing patient data, helping to predict which patient groups might respond well to a drug based on similar biological or clinical features​ (McKinsey & Company)​​ (MIT Technology Review)​.
  2. Real-World Data Utilization: AI can leverage real-world data (RWD) to simulate clinical trials and predict outcomes. This includes data from electronic health records, insurance claims, and other healthcare interactions to assess the real-world effectiveness of treatments and to identify potential new indications for drugs. By understanding the real-world application of therapies, AI can provide insights into how drugs perform outside the controlled environment of clinical trials, thereby supporting decisions on expanding drug indications​ (McKinsey & Company)​.
  3. Generative Models for Drug Repurposing: AI, especially generative models, can analyze existing drugs and identify new uses beyond their original indications. This approach utilizes AI to scan vast databases of drugs and their effects, identifying potential new therapeutic applications. For example, AI algorithms can discover drugs that may reduce the incidence of disease-related symptoms in conditions unrelated to the drug’s initial target​ (IBM Research)​.

Incorporating AI in the analysis of clinical trial data not only enhances the precision of identifying suitable patient groups and indications but also accelerates the pace of drug development. These technologies provide the capability to dynamically adapt clinical trials based on real-time data, ensuring that clinical research is as efficient and effective as possible​ (TrialKey)​.

AI's role in drug development is rapidly evolving, with new tools and models continually emerging that offer significant advantages in terms of speed, efficiency, and the ability to handle complex datasets. This results in a more streamlined drug development process and potentially quicker delivery of new therapies to patients who need them​ (Sinequa)​​ (Deloitte United States)​.


Keytruda's phased approach, starting from advanced melanoma to include multiple cancer types, has been fundamental to its success​ (McKinsey & Company)​.

  • Keytruda's phased approach to market entry is a strategic example of how incremental expansion across multiple indications can drive a drug's success. Initially approved by the FDA in 2014 for treating advanced melanoma, Keytruda was later expanded to treat other types of cancers based on its demonstrated effectiveness and safety in subsequent trials. This strategic expansion began with melanoma but soon included non-small cell lung cancer, head and neck cancer, classical Hodgkin lymphoma, and others.
  • The success of this strategy is twofold: firstly, starting with a targeted niche allowed Merck/MSD to establish a strong efficacy and safety profile which facilitated faster regulatory approval for additional indications. Secondly, each new approval helped to build the drug's reputation, making it a preferred option in oncologists' arsenals for various cancers, thus broadening its market reach and impact.
  • This gradual expansion approach allowed Merck/MSD to continuously gather data, refine marketing strategies, and incrementally increase the therapeutic areas Keytruda could address, thereby maximizing its market potential over time. This strategic approach not only ensured the drug's dominance in the competitive oncology market but also exemplified how data-driven decision-making and strategic regulatory planning are crucial for successful drug launches and market penetration.

2. Omnichannel Launch Strategies


An effective omnichannel strategy integrates digital and traditional marketing channels, ensuring consistent messaging and maximizing engagement across all stakeholder touchpoints.


Develop and integrate a mix of digital and traditional marketing strategies tailored to various stakeholder needs.

  • In today's pharmaceutical landscape, an integrated marketing strategy that combines digital and traditional methods is crucial for reaching diverse stakeholder groups effectively. This involves not only classic channels such as conferences, printed materials, and face-to-face interactions but also leveraging digital platforms like social media, webinars, and targeted online content. The blend of these strategies allows companies to reach stakeholders at multiple touchpoints, catering to preferences that vary across different demographics, professional roles, and personal habits.
  • For example, while younger healthcare professionals may prefer engaging through digital mediums like apps and online communities, more established practitioners might value more traditional approaches such as medical journals and in-person events. Tailoring content and channel strategies to these preferences ensures that the marketing message is not only received but is also engaging for each subgroup.

AI Application

Leverage AI to track and analyze engagement across channels, optimizing content and timing based on stakeholder interactions.

  • AI technologies are particularly effective in enhancing omnichannel marketing strategies. They can analyze vast amounts of data from various channels to identify trends and patterns in engagement. This includes tracking how different stakeholders interact with content—what they view, share, or ignore—allowing marketers to adjust their strategies in real-time. AI can also optimize the timing of content delivery, ensuring that messages reach stakeholders when they are most likely to engage, based on past interaction data.
  • Advanced AI tools can predict stakeholder behavior with increasing accuracy, thus not only refining current engagement strategies but also forecasting future trends. This proactive approach to marketing enables pharmaceutical companies to stay ahead in a competitive market, ensuring that their messages are both relevant and timely.


The use of AI to tailor marketing strategies has proven effective in maintaining engagement across diverse platforms.

  • A specific example of AI's impact in pharmaceutical marketing is its use in segmenting healthcare professionals based on their digital behavior patterns and preferences. By analyzing interaction data across various digital platforms, AI can help marketers create highly personalized content strategies. This personalized approach ensures that each stakeholder receives information that is relevant to their interests and professional needs, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • For instance, a campaign might use AI to determine that certain oncologists frequently engage with content about innovative treatment approaches late in the evening. The marketing strategy could then be adjusted to deliver this type of content through targeted ads or email newsletters timed for evening delivery, thus maximizing visibility and engagement.
  • The use of AI to tailor marketing strategies has proven effective in maintaining engagement across diverse platforms​ (McKinsey & Company)​​ (McKinsey & Company)​.


integrating AI into omnichannel marketing strategies not only enhances engagement across various platforms but also ensures that marketing efforts are efficient, data-driven, and highly targeted towards the needs of each stakeholder. This approach is becoming increasingly crucial in the complex ecosystem of pharmaceutical marketing, where understanding and meeting the nuanced needs of diverse stakeholders can significantly impact the success of drug launches and ongoing sales.

3. Navigating Market Access and Payer Engagement


Achieving effective market access is essential for pharmaceutical companies to ensure that new therapies reach the market successfully and are accessible to patients. This involves complex strategies that blend clinical data presentation, economic justification, and strategic engagement with stakeholders like healthcare payers and regulatory bodies. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed how these strategies are developed and executed, making processes more efficient and responsive to the dynamic healthcare landscape.


Pharmaceutical companies need to adopt a multi-faceted approach to market access:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders early and often to shape their perceptions and understand their needs.
  • Value Demonstration: Develop compelling value propositions that clearly articulate the clinical and economic benefits of the drug.
  • Strategic Pricing: Utilize AI tools to analyze market data and predict payer responses, enabling smarter pricing strategies.

AI Application

Leverage AI to track and analyze engagement across channels, optimizing content and timing based on stakeholder interactions.

  • AI significantly enhances market access strategies through advanced analytics and predictive capabilities. For instance, AI platforms like IBM Watson can predict outcomes of negotiations with HTA bodies such as NICE in the UK with high accuracy, based on data from previous drug launches. This predictive capability allows companies to better prepare for negotiations, tailor their approaches, and optimize pricing strategies to meet the specific demands of payers and regulators​ (PharmaBoardroom)​.


The use of AI to tailor marketing strategies has proven effective in maintaining engagement across diverse platforms.

  • A practical application of AI in market access is Novartis's use of AI to optimize their market strategy for a new oncology drug. By analyzing patient interaction data from online platforms and health forums, Novartis could better address patient concerns, adjust their messaging, and improve overall patient engagement and satisfaction.


  • The integration of AI into market access strategies offers pharmaceutical companies a powerful tool to navigate the complexities of drug launches and payer engagements. By leveraging AI, companies can gain insights that drive strategic decisions, enhance stakeholder engagement, and ultimately ensure broader access to their therapies. As the industry continues to evolve, the role of AI in market access will become increasingly critical, promising more targeted, efficient, and successful drug launches.

4. Leveraging Data and Real-world Evidence


Post-launch, collecting and analyzing real-world data is crucial to support ongoing marketing claims and potentially expand indications.


Implement systems to continuously gather and analyze real-world data post-launch.

  • Implementing robust systems for the continuous collection and analysis of real-world data (RWD) post-launch is crucial for pharmaceutical companies. This data collection extends beyond traditional clinical trials and includes electronic health records (EHRs), patient registries, and even social media analytics, providing a comprehensive view of a drug’s performance in diverse real-life scenarios. By continuously gathering this data, companies can monitor the safety and effectiveness of their products in various populations and make informed decisions about their marketing strategies and potential new indications​ (Datavant)​​ (PMLiVE)​.

AI Application

Use AI to continuously analyze real-world usage data to identify potential new markets or applications.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a pivotal role in analyzing the vast amounts of RWD. AI algorithms are capable of sifting through complex and voluminous datasets to identify patterns and trends that may not be visible to human analysts. This capability allows pharmaceutical companies to quickly adapt their strategies based on real-time insights into drug performance, patient adherence, and emerging market opportunities. For example, AI can help identify subpopulations that are experiencing better outcomes or pinpoint geographic areas where the drug is particularly effective, guiding targeted marketing and expansion strategies​ (Deloitte United States)​​ (Baker Tilly)​.


Real-world evidence has been instrumental in adapting Keytruda’s market strategy and supporting its expanded indications.

  • The use of real-world evidence (RWE) was instrumental for Keytruda, a prominent cancer treatment drug. By analyzing RWD, Keytruda was able to demonstrate its effectiveness across different patient groups and healthcare settings, which supported the expansion of its indications. This strategic use of RWE allowed for a broader understanding of the drug's potential applications and helped tailor the marketing strategies to address the specific needs and outcomes of various patient demographics. The insights gained from RWE facilitated informed discussions with regulators and payers, enhancing market access and adoption across new segments​ (Tiger Analytics)​​ (LEK Consulting)​.
  • For further detailed exploration, you can refer to the resources on the use and benefits of RWE in pharmaceutical strategies: Datavant, Deloitte Insights, and Tiger Analytics.

5. Regulatory Strategies and Global Collaboration


Coordinated global regulatory strategies enhance market access and patient reach by synchronizing submissions and approvals across countries.


Utilize global regulatory frameworks like Project Orbis to streamline international submissions and approvals.

  • Project Orbis, an initiative by the FDA's Oncology Center of Excellence, exemplifies a successful global regulatory framework. It facilitates the collaborative review of oncology products among international regulatory partners, aiming to expedite patient access to innovative cancer therapies across multiple countries. This framework supports concurrent submission, review, and regulatory action for clinically significant oncology products, allowing for a more synchronized and efficient approval process​ (​​ (​.

AI Application

Implement AI systems to manage and monitor regulatory compliance and submissions globally.

  • The integration of AI into regulatory frameworks like Project Orbis can significantly enhance the efficiency of managing and monitoring global submissions and compliance. AI technologies can automate the tracking of submission deadlines, review processes, and compliance requirements across different regulatory jurisdictions. This not only ensures adherence to international regulations but also streamlines the entire process, reducing the time to market for crucial therapies​ (​​ (​.


Project Orbis has facilitated faster global access for Keytruda, showcasing the benefits of international regulatory collaboration.

  • The use of Project Orbis in the approval process of Keytruda, a cancer therapy, highlights the program's effectiveness in enhancing global patient access to new treatments. By allowing simultaneous reviews and approvals in participating countries, Project Orbis has reduced delays typically associated with sequential national submissions. For instance, the combined therapy of Keytruda and Lenvima was one of the first to benefit from this approach, receiving concurrent approvals in the US, Canada, and Australia, which exemplifies the potential of such collaborative efforts to expedite access to important therapies globally​ (American Association for Cancer Research)​​ (Smart & Biggar)​.
  • For more in-depth information, you can explore further details about Project Orbis through the FDA’s official page.

6. Oncology Compass as a Case Study


Oncology Compass is a digital platform that curates and delivers targeted oncological research to clinicians, enhancing decision-making in clinical settings.


Use digital platforms like Oncology Compass to provide clinicians with the latest research and clinical data.

  • Oncology Compass serves as an essential digital tool for oncologists, offering a curated collection of the latest research and updates from major cancer congresses. By providing access to targeted, relevant publications, the platform ensures that oncologists receive the most up-to-date information, which is critical for the rapidly evolving field of cancer treatment. The platform is designed to streamline the flow of information, allowing healthcare professionals to quickly find the research that matters most to their clinical practice without wading through excessive data​ (Oncology Compass)​​ (Oncology Compass)​​ (Oncology Compass)​.

AI Application

Integrate AI to personalize the research feed, ensuring relevance and timeliness.

  • Integrating AI into platforms like Oncology Compass can significantly enhance the user experience by personalizing the research feed for each clinician. AI algorithms analyze user behavior, preferences, and previous interactions to tailor the content that is displayed, ensuring that oncologists receive information that is most relevant to their specialties and current needs. This targeted approach not only saves time but also increases the practical utility of the information provided, making it a vital tool in clinical decision-making​ (Oncology Compass)​.


Oncology Compass's use of digital tools to streamline information access has made it an invaluable resource for oncologists.

  • Oncology Compass has effectively utilized digital tools to enhance the accessibility and relevance of information for oncologists. By consolidating important updates and cutting-edge research into a single, easy-to-navigate platform, it has become an invaluable resource for oncologists looking to stay informed about the latest developments in cancer treatment. The platform's focus on delivering timely and pertinent information helps oncologists apply the newest knowledge in their treatment plans, ultimately benefiting patient care​ (Oncology Compass)​​ (Oncology Compass)​.
  • For more detailed information about how Oncology Compass is transforming access to oncological research, you can visit their official site at Oncology Compass.


At CX-Advisory, we are dedicated to guiding pharmaceutical companies through the complex terrain of oncology product launches. With a wealth of experience in strategic project management and the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as AI, we are well-equipped to ensure that your innovations not only reach the market but also deliver significant benefits to patients. Our services include:

  • Strategic Launch Planning: Developing comprehensive roadmaps that address market dynamics, stakeholder engagement, and regulatory considerations to streamline product launches.
  • AI-Driven Market Analysis: Leveraging artificial intelligence to provide deep market insights, predict trends, and customize marketing strategies to different demographics and physician behaviors.
  • Regulatory Strategy and Compliance: Navigating the regulatory landscape across global markets, ensuring that all aspects of product launch adhere to local and international standards.
  • Real-World Data Integration: Utilizing real-world data to refine marketing strategies post-launch, enhancing the ability to adapt to market feedback and improve patient outcomes.

Our team has supported a variety of projects, from the introduction of breakthrough therapies in niche markets to broad-scale launches across multiple indications. Whether you're looking to introduce a new oncology therapy or expand the reach of an existing product, CX-Advisory offers the expertise and innovative approaches necessary to achieve success.

For personalized support in crafting and executing your oncology product launch strategies, contact CX-Advisory today. Let us help you turn strategic insights into actionable results that drive success and improve patient care.

Insights from Oncology Product Launches

CXO on Demand

An experienced CX professional with a global journey spanning digital agencies to top corporations, Michal is passionate about helping businesses create unforgettable customer experiences.