Software Development

Use Case: Enhancing Public Health with Epidemiological Data Tracking

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Enhancing Public Health with Epidemiological Data Tracking

Introduction:In the realm of public health, timely and accurate data is crucial for managing crises and making informed decisions. CX-Advisory recently partnered with a public health department to develop an advanced epidemiological data tracking dashboard. This project showcases how leveraging technology can significantly improve public health responses and resource allocation.

Project Overview:The primary objective was to create an interactive dashboard that could track and visualize epidemiological data across different regions. This tool was designed to help health officials quickly identify outbreak patterns, monitor disease progression, and allocate resources efficiently.

Data Collection

Data Types and Sources:

  1. Hospital Records: Data on patient admissions, diagnoses, and treatment outcomes.
  2. Laboratory Results: Test results indicating the presence of infectious agents.
  3. Environmental Data: Information on factors like climate conditions that may influence disease spread.
  4. Demographic Data: Population data segmented by age, gender, and other relevant factors.
  5. Geospatial Data: Location data to map disease occurrences and spread.

Data Collection Methods:

  1. APIs: Connecting to existing health information systems to pull data in real-time.
  2. Manual Reporting: Inputs from healthcare workers and facilities through online forms and portals.
  3. Automated Sensors: Environmental sensors collecting climate and pollution data.

Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL):

  1. Extraction:
    • APIs: Automating data extraction from hospital databases, laboratory information systems, and public health records.
    • Web Scraping: Collecting data from publicly available health reports and bulletins.
    • CSV/Excel Imports: Manual upload of data files from various healthcare providers and agencies.
  2. Transformation:
    • Cleaning: Removing duplicates, correcting errors, and standardizing formats.
    • Normalization: Converting data into a common format to ensure consistency.
    • Aggregation: Summarizing data into meaningful categories (e.g., daily new cases, total recovered).
    • Enrichment: Combining data from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive view (e.g., linking patient records with geographic locations).
  3. Loading:
    • Database Management Systems (DBMS): Using SQL databases for structured data and NoSQL databases for unstructured data.
    • Data Warehouses: Centralizing all data into a warehouse for easy access and analysis.
    • Cloud Storage: Leveraging AWS or Google Cloud for scalable and secure storage solutions.

Insights and Analysis

Dashboard Visualizations:

  • Heat Maps: Displaying regions with high infection rates. For example, a sudden spike in cases in urban areas was identified as a hotspot, prompting immediate action.
  • Time-Series Charts: Tracking the progression of the disease over time. Trends showed a weekly increase in cases following public holidays, indicating potential spikes due to social gatherings.
  • Demographic Breakdown: Showing infection rates by age, gender, and other demographics. Data revealed higher infection rates among elderly populations, leading to targeted vaccination campaigns.
  • Resource Allocation Maps: Indicating where medical resources are most needed. These maps highlighted rural areas with inadequate healthcare facilities requiring urgent resource deployment.

Key Data Points:

  • New Cases and Recoveries: Daily updates on new infections and recoveries.
  • Hospitalization Rates: Data on hospital admissions related to the disease.
  • Testing Rates: Number of tests conducted and their results.
  • Vaccination Coverage: Tracking vaccination progress across different regions.

Key Insights Identified:

  • Outbreak Patterns: Identified hotspots included densely populated urban areas and regions with low vaccination rates. Trends showed a correlation between high humidity and increased transmission rates.
  • Resource Needs: Areas requiring additional medical supplies and personnel were identified, such as rural regions experiencing a surge in cases but lacking sufficient healthcare infrastructure.
  • At-Risk Populations: Higher infection rates were observed among elderly populations and those with pre-existing health conditions, prompting targeted health interventions.

Example Decision and Impact:Based on the dashboard insights, health officials identified a sudden spike in cases in a specific urban region. They decided to allocate additional medical staff and supplies to that area, set up temporary testing centers, and launch targeted awareness campaigns. This proactive response helped control the outbreak more effectively and prevented further spread.

Reports Generated and Reviewed:

  • Weekly Summary Reports: Summarizing key metrics and trends, reviewed by public health officials.
  • Resource Allocation Reports: Detailed reports on resource distribution needs, reviewed by logistics teams.
  • Predictive Analytics Reports: Forecasting future trends, reviewed by strategic planning teams.

Data Governance and Processes

Data Governance:

  • Data Quality Management: Ensuring accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data through continuous monitoring and validation.
  • Access Control: Implementing strict access controls to protect sensitive health information.
  • Compliance: Adhering to regulatory standards such as HIPAA for data privacy and security.


  • Regular Updates: Data is updated in real-time, with regular audits to ensure integrity.
  • User Training: Health officials receive training on how to use the dashboard and interpret the data.
  • Feedback Loop: Continuous feedback from users to improve the dashboard's functionality and usability.


This project underscores the transformative impact of advanced data tracking and visualization tools in public health. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, CX-Advisory helped the public health department enhance its crisis management capabilities, ultimately improving public health outcomes. This case study highlights the potential for similar solutions to be applied in various sectors, demonstrating the power of data-driven decision-making.


Use Case: Enhancing Public Health with Epidemiological Data Tracking

CXO on Demand

An experienced CX professional with a global journey spanning digital agencies to top corporations, Michal is passionate about helping businesses create unforgettable customer experiences.